Back to Basics: Starting Strength Novice Routine
- Squat: 135×10, 225×5, 295×5, 295×5, 295×5 [no belt]
- DB Lunges: 25×10, 25×10, 25×10
- Bench Press: 135×10, 185×5, 230×5, 230×5, 230×5
- Deadlift: 135×10, 225×5, 315×3….overhand grip failed…stopped before hitting goal of 385×5
Note: Trying to get away from using an alternating grip for the deadlift. My double overhand grip is weak; that, coupled with the fact that I waited until 7:30 PM to start this workout, left me tired and weak willed. I need to get some straps for heavy deadlifts, as well as work on my overhand grip strength.
Goals: My goals for this level of training/before I move on to an intermediate routine
- Squat: 405×5
- Deadlift: 495×5
- Bench Press: 315×5
- OHP: 215X5
- Power Clean: 225×3